Organization Name | Organization Type |
Political Science Graduate Student Association |
Academic Major Related |
College Affiliation | |
College Of Arts & Letters |
President's Name | Contact Email |
Maria Shoka | |
Meeting Day & Time | Meeting Location |
Office Location | Office Phone Number |
Local, State, or National Affiliated Organizations | |
SDSU Political Science Department |
Organization Website | |
Disclaimer: The information on student organization websites represents that of the organization and not that of Student Life & Leadership or San Diego State University. The student organization takes full responsibility for the information presented. | |
Purpose | |
Foster a community of likeminded individuals who share a passion for understanding the political issues impacting our world today. The organization may host their own public discussions in order to encourage a lively exchange of ideas between both the student members and other potential guests. On some occasions, the PSGSA aspires to help by co-hosting political lectures, debates, book promotions and guest speakers. On the recreational side, the PSGSA wants to host special events bring graduates in the Political Science Department together through entertainment and catering. To promote further outreach of the PSGSA, the association plans on coordinating with other student and activist organizations belonging to politically adjacent and complementary fields, particularly organizations and institutions associated with the College of Arts and Letters. Lastly, the PSGSA hopes to find ways to promote community service across the city of San Diego. |