Organization Name | Organization Type |
Project Rebound Student Alliance |
Service & Support |
President's Name | Contact Email |
Andy Lopez | |
Meeting Day & Time | Meeting Location |
Mondays @ 7:00 pm |
ASU, |
Office Location | Office Phone Number |
PSFA 108 |
(818) 318-0192 |
Local, State, or National Affiliated Organizations | |
State |
Organization Website | |
Disclaimer: The information on student organization websites represents that of the organization and not that of Student Life & Leadership or San Diego State University. The student organization takes full responsibility for the information presented. | |
Purpose | |
The purpose of this organization is to foster a support network among
students at San Diego State University (SDSU) who are formerly
incarcerated, system impacted and/or allies of this population. Project
Rebound Student Alliance (PRSA) will promote awareness of the carceral
experiences by combining the lived experiences of SDSU Project Rebound
program participants and the academic knowledge of other SDSU students.
PRSA will promote social growth, academic insights, leadership
development, peer advising, and community involvement.
The mission of the Project Rebound Student Alliance (PRSA) is to unite program participants of Project Rebound with the campus community at San Diego State University through fellowship, leadership development, and peer to peer support. PRSA will serve as a support network for students that have been previously incarcerated with students who may be justice impacted and/or care to deepen their understanding of the societal impact the justice system has on society and are actively pursuing academic and social growth for themselves and others. Members of PRSA will be involved with furthering the vision of our Org by bridging the gap between formerly incarcerated students with non formerly incarcerated students and thereby reducing stigmas associated with incarceration and thereby increasing our member’s academic success and our organization's reach and impact throughout campus and community. |